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I have written a few series at this point, so it makes sense for me to create a bit of a reading order.

My first series, and still my favorite, is the Lucky’s Marines series. I always recommend new readers start here. This series is generally R-rated. No sex, but the language is salty and these Marines definitely like to solve their problems with violence!

(All available on Kindle Unlimited)

Lucky’s Marines
Lucky Universe
Lucky Legacy
Lucky Empire
Lucky Forever
Lucky Invasion
Lucky Revenge
Lucky Justice
Lucky Bastard
Lucky At Last

Lucky’s Mercs is the continuation of Lucky’s Marines. The series picks up almost immediately after the end of that series with the same characters. Still R-rated. Still fun as ever! 

Lucky’s Mercs

Elixr was a complete course change for me. I wrote this specifically to be a Young Adult series, but it turned out that the three teenage leads wanted things a bit more spicy than I expected! Still, this series is PG-rated in my opinion. There is lots of action but not that much actual violence. Certainly no sex or language to speak of.

Lost Starship

Oblivion is my first co-written series. Daniel writes the first drafts, while I edit them and offer my constructive additions to the storyline. These are about as Star Trek as anything I have, although one of the main characters is a young Marine, so I still get plenty of Starship Troopers in this one! I’d rate this one PG-13. Some violence, some language, but very little that is over the top.

(with Daniel Young)
Lost Mission
First Contact
Final Invasion
Star Fallen
Beyond Ruin
Orion Inbound